5 years ago we created a body of work born out of our first six months of marriage. It was the first time Andrew’s paintings and Sarah’s words lived side by side. It marked the beginning of our collaborative journey and what would grow to become Hand in Hand. This work was originally displayed in the form of a one night pop-up show in our community of St. Augustine, FL. Six months later, we decided to put it into book form so it could live on. We printed and sold a limited run then. Now, we’ve decided to rerelease it at cost to make it as accessible as we can.
The content of this book set the stage for all the ways we’ve grown and changed since. Much has evolved — even our last name (McWilson it is!). Still, we pick it up often and it speaks loudly to us. It’s some of the most personal work we’ve done. It embodies the way we want to be as humans — just being honest.